How to Fix Eufy Camera Playback Black Screen?
Is Eufy playback black screen annoying you? Well, the Eufy camera playback not working issue is one of the most common problems that users generally face with their Eufy cameras. If you see your Eufy security playback not working properly, you should consider looking for the root cause of the problem. Once you get hold of the main reason behind the occurrence of the Eufy playback not working issue, you will find it easy to troubleshoot the issue.
We have made this post to help all Eufy users get rid of the Eufy playback black screen glitch. You don’t need to get in touch with any expert or professional technician for this issue. This is very much a fixable problem and it will take you a few minutes to resolve the matter.
We just ask you to follow the instructions very carefully in order to avoid any further issues with the Eufy camera’s playback.
Reasons for Eufy Playback Black Screen
As we told you that you need to identify the main reason behind the Eufy camera playback not working issue, here are those reasons. We have put down all the causes of the Eufy playback not working problem in this section of the page.
- Outdated Eufy camera firmware
- Loose connections
- Unstable power supply
- Recording limit exceeded
- Eufy Home app requires update
- Storage card is full
Troubleshooting Eufy Camera Playback Not Working
Now that you have been through the aforementioned section, you know the most common causes of the Eufy playback black screen issue. The next step for you is to follow the below-mentioned troubleshooting tips to get rid of the Eufy security playback not working.
Check the Wire Connections
First of all, make sure you check the wired connections, if any. If you have connected your camera to the direct power supply, make sure your camera’s battery is not defective. In some cases, the Eufy playback not working issue occurs due to loose wired connection.
Ensure the Power Supply
The next step is to ensure a stable power supply. Make sure the power outlet in which you have plugged in your Eufy camera is supplying adequate power to the camera. We suggest that you change the wall outlet only if you experience any issues with it.
Restart the Camera
If you still observe the Eufy playback black screen issue, make sure you reboot your camera. You can take the battery out of the camera and then reinsert it. This will power cycle your camera. In most cases, the Eufy playback not working issue gets resolved at this step.
Inspect the Storage Card
Kindly check the storage card inserted into your camera. In case the storage card is full or out of memory, your camera won’t be able to record new videos. As a result, the Eufy playback not working issue shows up on your device.
App Needs to Update
This is one of the most important troubleshooting steps. Make sure the Eufy Home app is updated to the most recent version on your smartphone. We recommend that you uninstall the application and then reinstall the latest version of the Eufy Home app on your device. Make sure you download the app only from the Play Store or App Store.

Upgrade the Firmware
Login to the Eufy account and go to Settings. Select the camera that you wish to upgrade and go to the Firmware Update page. Follow the in-app prompts to update your camera to the latest firmware version. Most probably, the Eufy security playback not working issue will be fixed at this step.

Reset the Camera
In case the Eufy playback black screen issue shows up even now, you must reset your camera to the factory default settings. Press and hold the reset button on your camera for 10 seconds. After that, release the reset button and let your camera restore the factory default settings. After a while, the camera will be reset and the Eufy playback not working issue will be resolved.

Wrapping Up
This post was all about the Eufy camera playback not working glitch. We discussed the main causes of this issue and how to fix it on your own. We recommend that you follow the aforementioned troubleshooting step so that you don’t have to call a technician or professional to get your Eufy camera fixed.
With this, we end the post here. We hope this post helped you get rid of the Eufy security playback not working issue. If you still encounter this issue with your Eufy home security camera, make sure you talk to our support team for further assistance. We will strive best to fix your issue in no time.